How did it come to this? To me, typing out advice to the ether of the internet?
Well, I'll tell you.
I have a two teenage daughters. As I watch them grow, and enter situations that I clearly remember, I found myself holding back certain stories of my past. I wanted to set a good example. Let them see a bastion of calm certainty in my answers. Be the proper semblance of MOTHERHOOD. Pure, refined, distilled to the very essence of what a woman should be.
I was lying to my kids. Our life is CLEARLY not put together. I am a stumbling mother, as all mothers tend to be, in their own way. But, I am a good mother. I love my children, I am a mother first, then friend. Sometimes, not a friend at all; but calm assertive disciplinarian. I have withstood enough withering glares to make grown men cringe.
I did not get where I am from being a pure beacon of chastity and good decision.
So, I started telling my daughter's the truth.
Your mamma, was a Ho!
I do not look at a the word "Ho" like it is a bad thing.
In the early 1920's women were expected to partake in the company of multiple men. The revolution of a woman's choice to marry lead to the idea of dating. Dating, meant you sampled the wares of potential suitors. Now, a ho.... may sample more wares than others.... but I just consider that thorough research.
Let's face it, anything worth doing, is worth doing right.
I dated, I sampled, I learned. I had a full array of experience that allowed me to step unto my roll of advice and be able to say, "Do as I say, not as I do." followed by "Because I know from EXPERIENCE."
So, I wanted to share that experience.
I created this blog, for other Mamma Ho's out there. Other women who sip coffee in leggings and over sized sweatshirts while their children scream, "You have NO IDEA WHAT I AM GOING THROUGH!"
Other women, who do not want to admit.... they too, were ho's.
Other men too, because men were ho's as well. It was just more socially acceptable. But, men, please do not think we did not notice.
My hope is that people will visit this page for some good advice, funny anecdotes, and I would like to share the stories of others.
Pass the URL around, like a good coffee shop: let your friends know.
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